6 Tips to Help You Find the Best Tax Accountant

6 Tips to Help You Find the Best Tax Accountant

Sometimes, preparing your taxes can be confusing, time-consuming, and downright stressful. There's no shame in hiring an accountant to do it for you.

About a third of Americans hire tax accountants or tax preparers to do their taxes every year. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to have a lot of money to hire an accountant. Accounting firms offer a variety of services such as retirement planning and small business accounting in Taylorsville or other areas. That said, if you are having trouble sorting your taxes, you can get the help of a tax accountant. 


Here are some tips on how to find the best one:


1. Get referrals


Asking around is always the best first step to find the best accountant for you. Get recommendations or referrals from your family members, co-workers, friends, lawyers, and anyone else that may have had experience with a tax accountant of their own. In this way, you can widen your pool of options before narrowing them down later.


2. Look for credentials


To hire an accountant that has the right credentials to do your taxes, look for a CPA, a PTIN, a law license, or an Enrolled Agent designation. You can verify their credentials or look for possible candidates using the IRS directory.


3. Do interviews


Handing your information over to another individual requires trust. And to build this trust, you need to conduct at least a brief interview with your candidate. Ask relevant questions, particularly about their experience, their way of working, and how much they charge for their service. You can do this over the phone if you have to, but a face-to-face interview is always the better choice.


Don't forget to ask for references so you can check with them, too.


4. Do a background check


You cannot be too sure about your candidate unless you do a background check. If you want to check their CPA license, you can contact the Board of Accountancy of your state. You should also take a quick look through their online profiles, websites, and other references to find out more about them.


5. Consider fees

Accountant doing tax audit

Tax preparers usually charge a fee of $150 per hour and above. However, the cost will depend on the accountant's credentials. If you hire a CPA, you can expect a fee of about $200 per hour or more. Moreover, if your taxes are more complicated than usual, your accountant may charge additional overtime fees or consultation fees.


While looking for the right tax accountant in your area, be sure to compare fees before hiring.


6. Look for a preparer in your area


While broadening your options is a good way to find the best accountant to do your taxes, don't look past your town or city. Having your accountant nearby will make consultations more manageable and will make sure they're readily available to address your concerns.


Don't be afraid to get help with preparing and filing your taxes. With a tax accountant doing your taxes for you, you can save money and time, which you can use for other things. More importantly, it's much less of a hassle than doing it by yourself.

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