Dialing VoIP

Common Causes of Poor VoIP Quality and How to Fix Them

Common Causes of Poor VoIP Quality and How to Fix Them

VoIP services are becoming popular these days, both for personal and for business purposes. In fact, a lot of residential VoIP providers offer these services to homeowners. For one thing, VoIP services provide a lot of benefits, including low call rates and easier integration with other business apps and software.

One of VoIP’s core competency is its voice call feature. A lot of users say using VoIP is better than relying on telco and smartphone services. Aside from cheaper rates, a VoIP system also offers advanced features, easier-set-up, and guaranteed reliability.

But whichever platform or system you use, it can be annoying to hear crackling or garbled sounds during a call. VoIP systems may have more benefits over traditional telco networks and smartphones. For one, you won’t have to worry about low battery life and expensive call rates.

However, it doesn’t mean VoIP do not have their own flaws. As mentioned, VoIP also experiences poor call quality at times. That is why it is important to address the issue and improve it so it won’t happen again.

Common VoIP call problems

VoIP users may encounter the following problems which can be due to various factors. Here are some of them.


Hearing your voice echo after climbing a high mountain or exploring a cave can be thrilling. But it is not pleasant to hear voice echoes when you are making calls. Although it may not affect your phone conversation, it can be annoying to hear unnecessary sounds while you are making a call.


Some VoIP systems use an Analog Telephone Adapter or ATA. On the downside, using ATA can cause static sounds while making calls. This may be due to power supplies that are not compatible with the system.


It is also known as VoIP delay. It refers to the amount of time the sound takes to exit the caller’s mouth and to reach the other person on the line. Latency may be due to a propagation delay, handling delay, or queuing delay.

How to improve VoIP quality

Businessman dialing the VoIPSince VoIP mainly uses an Internet connection to make calls, it is important to ensure stable and fast Internet connection on your part. Here are some other tips to improve VoIP quality.

  • Choose business-class high-speed Internet connection – If you want to ensure high-quality VoIP calls, you should consider getting business-class high-speed Internet connection.
  • Choose a headset that is VoIP-compatible – Businesses that heavily rely on the Internet should invest in high-quality headsets. For example, there are noise-canceling and corded headsets available to ensure the best call quality. At the same time, it will lessen annoying background noise and static that can affect the call quality.
  • Choose a router that is VoIP-compatible – Standard routers may not provide the quality of calls you are expecting in your VoIP system. That is why you should buy a router that is VoIP-optimized. The router should also support both Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and virtual LAN (VLAN) for better call quality.

Choosing VoIP systems can be more beneficial than traditional telco systems. However, you should also remember the tips above so you can utilize your VoIP system and get what you have paid for.

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