Anyone who has ever had a job knows that the daily grind can be, well, a grind. No matter how much you love your job, there will always be days (or even weeks) when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and downright burnt out. While it’s impossible to eliminate stress from the workplace altogether, there are a few things you can do to prevent burnout before it starts. This blog post will give tips for avoiding burnout in a repetitive job.
1. Set realistic goals for yourself.
One of the quickest ways to become overwhelmed and stressed at work is to set unrealistic goals for yourself. Whether taking on too many projects at once or setting your sights too high, biting off more than you can chew is a recipe for disaster.
Start by taking a step back and looking at your workload to avoid becoming overwhelmed. From there, decide which projects are priorities and which can wait. Once you’ve established your priorities, set realistic deadlines for yourself and make sure to communicate these deadlines to your boss or team.
2. Take breaks throughout the day.
When you’re struggling to stay focused, taking breaks throughout the day might seem counterintuitive. However, studies have shown that taking regular breaks can improve productivity and prevent burnout. They give you a chance to clear your head, take a walk, or grab a snack so you can come back to your work refreshed and ready to focus.
So, how often should you take breaks? It depends on the person—some people might need a break every hour or two while others can go for four or five hours without taking a break. If you struggle to stay focused after an hour or so of work, try getting up and going for a quick walk around the block or grabbing a cup of coffee. These mini-breaks will help refresh your mind and allow you to return to work feeling more productive.
3. Make time for yourself outside of work.
A key part of avoiding burnout is making time for yourself outside of work—even if that means saying no to after-work drinks with your colleagues or skipping happy hour altogether. When you’re burned out, it’s essential to recharge your batteries so you can come back to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
Some people also enroll in mental health courses to help manage and avoid burnout. These courses are not only beneficial for your mental health, but they can also help improve your job performance. You can find these courses at most community colleges or online. Try looking for a course that covers stress management, time management, and goal setting, which can benefit you both inside and outside work.
4. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling.
Whether it’s your boss, best friend, or therapist, talking to someone about how you’re feeling is a great way to prevent burnout before it starts—or help you manage it if you’re already experiencing symptoms of burnout. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed at work, reach out to someone who can help lighten your load or offer words of wisdom and support—you’ll be glad you did!
If you talk to your boss about your stress levels, come prepared with some solutions. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload, suggest ways you can lighten your load, such as delegating tasks to other team members or taking on fewer projects. But don’t expect your boss to have all the answers—sometimes, the best solution is to simply take a step back and assess your situation.
5. Seek professional help if you’re struggling to cope.
If you’re struggling to manage your stress levels or you’re experiencing symptoms of burnout, such as exhaustion, insomnia, or loss of interest in your work, it’s important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms and provide support as you manage your stress levels.
In some cases, medication may also be necessary to help you cope with the symptoms of burnout. If you’re struggling to manage your stress levels, talk to your doctor about whether medication might be right for you. You can also talk to your therapist about whether therapy is right for you. Not sure where to start? You can find a therapist through the American Psychological Association or the National Board for Certified Counselors.
Burnout is common among business professionals—especially those who find themselves in repetitive jobs daily. By setting realistic goals, taking regular breaks throughout the day, making time for ourselves outside of work, and talking to someone about how we’re feeling, we can avoid burnout before it starts!