
What the Big Five Personality Traits Tells You About Your Employees

What the Big Five Personality Traits Tells You About Your Employees

Personality is the specific combination of emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and thoughts that makes people who they are. It is the total of your characteristics and how you show up in the world. It can also create perceptions and first impressions in others and can ultimately influence how successful people are in life.

Personality plays a big deal in psychology because it can help predict how people respond to different situations. It can also give insight into why people behave the way they do. Traits that make up a person’s personality are often stable throughout their lifetime, but it is important to note that personality is not fixed. People can (and do) change over time, and sometimes quite dramatically.

That’s why it’s crucial to measure these personality traits, to make people aware that they have control over their personality no matter the circumstances. It’s vital if you’re assembling a team for your small business because you certainly don’t want someone unstable.

Personality Tests in a Corporate Setting

Personality tests are essential in a corporate setting. They serve as pre-employment tests for applicants to ensure that they have the aptitude for work and have the necessary personality traits to be effective in it. Moreover, personality traits can help measure an employee’s performance in the future.

There are several different personality tests that corporate recruiters use. The most popular and well-known is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI is a self-report questionnaire that sorts people into one of 16 different personality types. It looks at four other areas. However, throughout the years, measuring 16 personality traits became too complex, and it didn’t become psychometrically sound as years passed by. The MBTI was a good test, but it was a jack of all trades and master of none.

Corporations needed a new personality test that’s easy to understand and is psychometrically sound. This is where the Big Five personality traits model comes in.

A woman enjoying music while in the fields

The Big Five Personality Traits Model

The Big Five personality traits model, also known as the five-factor model, is a taxonomy, or classification system, for personality traits. It breaks down human personality into five broad factors:

  • Openness to experience

    This trait describes how open-minded a person is. People high in this trait are curious and adventurous, while those who are low in this trait tend to be more down-to-earth.

  • Conscientiousness

    This trait measures how much self-discipline a person has. People who are high in this trait tend to be organized and goal-oriented, while those who are low are more spontaneous.

  • Extraversion

    This trait describes how friendly a person is. People who are high in this trait tend to be outgoing and talkative, while those who are low in this trait are more introverted and reserved.

  • Agreeableness

    This trait measures how cooperative a person is. People who are high in this trait tend to be friendly and compassionate, while those who are low are more assertive.

  • Neuroticism

    This trait describes how emotionally stable a person is. People who are high in this trait tend to be anxious and easily stressed, while those who are low are more emotionally stable and even-keeled.

The Big Five personality traits model is the most widely used personality test today. It is used by psychologists, hiring managers, and corporations to measure personality traits in individuals.

What Does the Big Five Tell You About Your Employees?

The Big Five personality traits can tell you a lot about your employees. For example, if you have an employee high in neuroticism, you know that they may be more prone to anxiety and stress. Therefore, you will need to provide them with support and guidance to help them cope with these emotions.

On the other hand, if you have an employee high in agreeableness, you know that they are likely to be cooperative and compassionate. You know that they will be more likely to work well with others and be team players.

Knowing the personality traits of your employees can help you better understand their behavior, strengths, and weaknesses. It can also help you manage them more effectively.

When used correctly, the Big Five can be a powerful tool for understanding your employees. As a result, it can help you create a more productive and positive work environment.

The Big Five personality traits are essential in a corporate setting. They serve as a pre-employment test for applicants to ensure that they have the aptitude for work and that their personality is a good fit for the company culture.

The Big Five can also help managers understand their employees better. It can help them identify each employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it can help managers figure out how to motivate best and support their employees.

But it’s also important to know that personality tests do not define an individual. They are meant to assess an individual. Remember that these tests can never accurately measure the worth of an employee.

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