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Entrepreneurial Success: A Guide to Finding Your Passion and Turning It Into a Business

Entrepreneurial Success: A Guide to Finding Your Passion and Turning It Into a Business

‘Find your passion’ is perhaps the most overshared advice when it comes to starting a business. When you do what you love to do, work isn’t a burden. In the trying times, passion is what makes you persist and pull through.

Moreover, passion had a direct hand at raising successful businesses today – DIY lip balms that expanded into a million-dollar-worth cosmetics company or homemade, Christmas pastry treats that became a trusted bakery restaurant.

Interestingly though, this most cliché business advice is the hardest to follow. In fact, you probably don’t even know where to begin in ‘finding your passion.’ Right?

Open to Opportunities

One of the reasons people struggle finding their passion is they’re looking at the same old stuff they know. And most of the time, these are things they’re not really fond of. For instance, you probably grew up with your parents who are into the retail industry.

But you know, deep down in your heart, that selling clothes isn’t the path you want to go into. Since boutique shops have been the norm for years, when the idea of business crops up, your mind automatically goes to retail. You get blindsided to the fact that there are other ventures you can try.

The thing is, if you don’t want to ‘get into the mold’, then by all means break out of it. Don’t be boxed into the traditional way of doing things. Broaden your horizon. How do you do that? For one, identify people’s pain points. You’ll find so many opportunities that can spark passions just by seeing what the public’s frustrations are.

Maybe consider catering to seniors who are fed up with fast food. Or on-the-go moms who struggle juggling work and caring for the kids. Another way you can broaden horizon is to look at different industries. If retail doesn’t work for you, perhaps food service is the one.

Maybe you’ll find passion in filling hungry tummies, in starting a sandwich store or shop. Offering nutritious meals to seniors or quick-and-easy bites for on-the-go moms. The bottom line is, be pliable to opportunities. Seek them out.

Inventory of Strengths

check list

When you’re starting a business, it’s worth asking yourself: what am I good at? Not only for the purpose of evaluating your readiness to be an entrepreneur, but also for knowing what you enjoy doing. Your strengths are most likely the ones you love getting your hands on.

Therefore, they form part of your passions in life. That said, list down all your skills, talents, and knowledge. Be very specific, as much as you can. Better if can consult your personal and professional social circles. Ask your spouse what your strongest suit is.

And then your boss. And then your seatmate in the office. Their insights will validate or debunk your claims about yourself, helping you form a better profile of the kind of entrepreneur you can potentially be and the type of business you can go into.

Once you got your list, match it up with the demands of the market. For instance, given that everybody raves about how good you are at making lip balms, would your products actually be sellable to your local community? Would people pay for it?

From Passion to Business

To some, passion is an elusive virtue. It’s something they have yet to find. If you find yourself in such a rut, only two things matter: being open to opportunities and channeling your strengths.

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