sinus problem

Find the Real Culprit Behind Chronic Nasal Congestion

Find the Real Culprit Behind Chronic Nasal Congestion

Don’t worry. It’s probably not a tumor or anything serious. But your persistent use of decongestant drops and sprays is not really helping. They may provide temporary relief. But your nasal congestion is already a chronic problem. You may be dismissing it as a minor inconvenience, but it is starting to affect your work.

The headaches are arising more often. Perhaps, it is time to consider another possibility and ask for a second opinion from a specialized plastic surgery clinic in Denver for possible interventions for nasal obstructions.

Possible Interventions

The results of a comprehensive physical examination will all be considered when the doctors on your case are planning the treatment plan. Don’t be surprised if it includes an allergy evaluation. Doctors who are thorough will not rely solely on your symptoms or on imaging plates of your nasal passages. In many cases, medication resolves the issue altogether. Who knows, you might be taking the wrong type of decongestant, or the dose you are using may not be appropriate.

Still, it is not unheard of that a routine checkup reveals something more significant than nostrils clogged with mucus. Some issues such as swollen nasal turbinates are best addressed by surgery using a tissue-shaving implement. You are in luck if such a procedure resolves all your breathing problems.

Still, the inability to breathe through the nose may be more complicated than at first glance. If the problem is due to problematic adenoids, you will definitely go to surgery. Removal of the adenoids is a simple procedure. It becomes more complicated when the obstruction in the nasal passages is due to bony abnormality. To simplify, your nasal bones could have congenital deformities that obstruct airflow. Remember, the nose is not only composed of the soft tip and firmer cartilages. It has bony parts as well.

Types of Nasal Obstructions

woman blowing her nose

While we are on the subject, it would be good for you to learn more about the different types of nasal obstructions. Being informed arms you with the knowledge that you can use when discussing possible treatment interventions with your physician.

Having a perennially runny nose may be due to a deviated nasal septum. It’s the structure that serves as a divider for the nasal passages. One nostril may have a narrower area than the other, which accounts for one nostril almost always being runnier or blocked than the other. A deviated septum is easily addressed, but it may not be the culprit.

Some people find out much later in life that the reason for chronic nasal blockage is excess tissue within the nose. The condition wherein there is excess tissue in the nasal passages is known as choanal atresia. For many people, the septum is perfectly formed, and there is no congenital excess tissue malformation. But they suffer from allergies that make the nasal passages swell consistently. Effective intervention targets the specific cause or causes.

You are correct in thinking that life can be better if you just can breathe easily through your nose. Quit self-medicating. Find a doctor who can identify the cause of your nasal congestion and treat it properly.

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