Person using the PBX phone

Five Things to Keep in Mind When Using the Office Phone

Five Things to Keep in Mind When Using the Office Phone

Mobile phones have been so integrated in our daily lives that some already tend to believe that the way we talk to other people while we’re on our mobile phones is the correct way. But, there are existing phone etiquette rules you should be aware of, especially when you’re speaking with business clients.

Exercising phone etiquette when you’re using the Xorcom IP phone system or any other VoIP system in your office is important because you’re carrying the reputation of the company. If the person you’re talking to deems you rude, you’re not just ruining your reputation but the company’s, too.

Answer right away

You should never let the phone on your desk ring more than three times. It’s very annoying for anyone to call up a company or a customer service representative and wait for 10 minutes before someone picks up the phone.

Treat every phone call as important. For all you know, it maybe a VIP client who’s calling. And if you don’t pick up the phone right away, that individual may decide not to do business with your company anymore due to the mere fact that the people there don’t know proper phone etiquette.

Identify yourself

When someone calls you up, you should identify yourself and your department. It doesn’t matter if the call was transferred from the trunk line to your phone. You should still identify yourself so that your caller will know they’re speaking with the right person.

If you’re the one calling, identify yourself, your department and your company to the company’s operator up to the person you’re supposed to talk to. It may not matter to you as much but some people find it offensive when a caller assumes right away that they know who’s calling them.

man using his phone at work

Speak clearly

When answering phone calls, always speak clearly. Don’t ever mumble or eat your words. If you happen to be eating at the time, either spit the food out or swallow it before you speak. It’s important that the person on the other end of the line can completely understand you.

Say “please”

It’s never wrong to say “please” to anyone. If you’re calling the CEO of a tech company, for instance, and the first person you speak with is the company operator, don’t hesitate or don’t forget to say “please.” Saying this word isn’t exclusive to executives or VIPs. The more polite you are, the more helpful other people will be.

Say “excuse me”

Every now and then, an important call can be disturbed by someone in your office asking to interrupt you for a few seconds. When that happens, don’t try to balance talking to your colleague and talking to your client. If your colleague asks to interrupt, say “excuse me” to your client and attend to your coworker for a few seconds.

Don’t let your client wait for more than a minute, though. If your colleague needs your attention somewhere else for more than a minute and it can’t be avoided, apologize to your client and promise that you will call up again right away.

If your caller has a concern that you’re not equipped to handle, then by all means transfer them to someone who can. But, make sure that your caller knows who they’re going to talk to next. Also, speak with the person your caller will talk to next and apprise him of the caller’s issue.

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