Luggage next to bed in guest room

Fix the Guest Room: Making it an Inviting Place for Sudden Visitors

Fix the Guest Room: Making it an Inviting Place for Sudden Visitors

Are there guests coming over? If you are excited to have a friend or a distant relative visit and sleep in your house, you will want to prepare a room for them. This will show that you went out of your way to keep them comfortable during their stay.

What are you waiting for? Buy a new sofa online now and get everyone moving to prepare for your guests’ arrival. Here are other things you can do to prepare:

Improving Your Guest Room

First things first, be sure that the guest room is clean. Wipe all the things in there and dust the wall and pieces of furniture. Do the sweeping after you have dusted and wiped all corners, so you do not have to do it again. Mop the floor with a cleaning agent afterwards, but make sure you are not using those with harmful chemicals.

As you want to present your house in its best possible condition, there should be no clutter. Remove all the personal stuff for now. Also, check if all their needs are within reach. Do not put anything near the outlets since your guests may want to charge their phones, tablets, or whatever gadget they have with them.

You can also put water beside their bed since they might feel shy to go out of the room at night to get something to drink if they are thirsty. Place a lamp as well as an alarm clock so you do not have to feel awkward at waking them up if ever they oversleep.

Before Your Guests Arrive

Give your guests a sense of privacy. Check if the door (and its locks) of their room is functioning properly. You would want to do this in advance so you can change the doorknob if ever there is a problem.

Prepare the bed. Make sure it is clean and the sheets are new or newly-washed. If you have the budget, consider buying a new mattress. Put enough pillows and blankets to make them feel at home. Another thing is to check if the air conditioning is functioning well. This way, they will have the ideal sleeping temperature.

If there is no bathroom in the guest room, be sure to let them use the nearest bathroom. Clean it before they arrive and disinfect it to prevent foul odour. Use fresheners so they will love the smell while they are staying at your place.

Finishing Touches

Placing towels on bed

Do not let your guests feel like they are not welcome. If your guest room is also your office or kids’ room, clear it out for the meantime. If your guests have special needs, make sure to listen to them. Likewise, if your guests have kids or pets, put out things that can cause harm to them.

Lastly, put finishing touches like area rugs, scented candles, flowers, or cookies in tins. Your guests will surely appreciate it. Let them know you care and you are happy that they are staying with you through the little efforts you can give.

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