girl having heartburns

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: What to Check if You Have It

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: What to Check if You Have It

Everyone has experienced a bout of chest pain from eating too fast or feeling gassy. In the United States, the most common gut complaints in hospitals stem from acid reflux. If you’re having chronic symptoms, however, you might have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Figure out if you’re part of 1 in 5 American adults who have it.

You get a lot of heartburns

Different clinics and hospitals in Utah and other areas have materials on gastroenterology. They reveal how heartburns that occur twice or thrice a week can be a telltale sign that a person has developed GERD. The research stems from a high number of cases where people don’t realize they have a chronic condition that is causing these issues. Constant heartburns can indicate that your esophageal sphincter is not that strong anymore, making it easier to experience reflux.

Citrus and spice don’t make you feel nice

A lot of the triggers for GERD are diet-based. Even though your food may not have been the cause of you developing it, they may now be what causes it to act up. Particularly, citrus fruits, drinks, and dishes that have a lot of spice (not just in a peppery way) can make you get indigestion. Many more can trigger you, depending on how long you’ve neglected it, but it will depend on your doctor what restrictions they feel are necessary.

It takes more effort to swallow food

This factor is one of the surer signs that you may have had GERD for quite a while. Doctors will want to check for esophageal strictures when they learn that it is difficult for you to swallow. It may present itself more when you eat doughy food and find that you have to drink more often to get the food down easily.

If you’re not putting effort but are in pain when swallowing, this means your case needs more immediate attention.

Eating food makes you feel nauseated

Nausea is not always present with everyone who has GERD. But this symptom with the others tells that you might have developed this for a long time. It can be remedied by eating slower and sticking to a healthier diet. However, if you’re at a point where you’re vomiting, you may need to be prescribed medication.

Your stomach aches often

GERD card in hands

Indigestion and stomach pain are common issues with this condition. It usually presents itself as upper abdominal pain and can reach up to your chest. If you find that you’re getting these frequently even if you’re not overeating, it could be because the acid is affecting your lining and that you are unknowingly triggering your flare-ups.

If you suspect that you have GERD, it’s best to seek a medical professional. If your case is not severe, you can remedy your problems with lifestyle and diet changes. If you have been suffering for a long time and think you have complications, don’t fret yet. There are many solutions possible if you reach out and make the necessary changes.

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