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Going the Distance: A Preparation Guide to Your First Big Cycling Event

Going the Distance: A Preparation Guide to Your First Big Cycling Event

You may be dreaming of going to your first cycling event if you have a passion for riding bikes. However, going on long-distance marathons is not an easy task to pull off. Even the most experienced cyclists struggle to complete tours and marathons due to fatigue and exhaustion. Some athletes also suffer from injuries. Beginning cyclists will be at a disadvantage, but you can make the proper preparations for your first event. If you are looking to brave endurance events like the Mallorca 312 and the Il Lombardia, you will need to follow this guide for your first cycling tour.

Familiarize Yourself With the Course

The best way to prepare yourself for a cycling event is to know what type of course you will be facing. Getting a map of the cycling event’s route will be helpful in your choice of training. If you are going up against a course that has a lot of uphill climbs, you will need to work on your leg muscles a lot more. Plotting your training based on the event course will help you avoid an unexpected work rate. You will be able to avoid injuries and work on your stamina better when you know what to expect from the endurance event.

Put in the Hours

Cycling, like any other sport, requires mental and physical training. You will have to put in the long hours to complete your first cycling event. Practice means you will have to get on your bicycle daily for at least two months before the event. You already have an idea of how long the route is since you have a map guide. It is ideal for you to match the given mileage and try to improve your speed at every given opportunity. Your training will consist of sprints, uphill climbs, and casual rides. Your goal for training is to anticipate the route’s tricks and turns. However, it will also help turn an event into a more comfortable practice session.

Take Rests in Between Sprints

The cycling event will discourage you from taking breaks. However, you will have to take a rest during training sessions. You will need to rely on hydration and rest while practicing for your first endurance event. You will need to sprint in training when you join a challenging marathon. Sprints can exhaust an experienced cyclist, which is why you should take long breaks and drink plenty of water. You will be able to shorten your breaks as you train to prepare you for your cycling event.

Monitor Your Heart Rate

Cycling competition with several cyclists

Maintaining pace is essential in cycling events. When you have a comfortable pace, you will be able to meet the physical demands of a route while avoiding over-exhaustion. To help you set your pace, you will need to have a heart rate monitor with you during the race. Monitoring your heart rate will allow you to check your limit when it comes to exerting effort. When you start to get tired while cycling, your heart rate monitor tells you how much pace you can maintain without getting into trouble. Endurance events promote health and fitness, which is why you should consider them as training instead of a race.

You will encounter a lot of challenges during your first cycling event. However, you will be able to use your experience to improve for your next event. Your improvement will help you get one step closer to the big endurance events like Mallorca 312 and Il Lombardia.

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