Asian Airports

How Asian Airports Lead the Way in Comfortable Travel

How Asian Airports Lead the Way in Comfortable Travel

Analytics company GlobalData reported last year that travel to ASEAN countries is expected to have an annual growth rate of 4.72%. Once it is safe to move, you can expect to see that number rise higher. While the data was only mined for ASEAN countries, you can also expect the number of travelers to rise in other Asian countries, as the continent itself still enjoys a reputation of being exotic and mysterious. The only downside most travelers face is the long travel time and even longer layovers.

Here we list down airports in the region where you can expect a comfortable layover.

Changi Airport, Singapore

Singapore’s Changi airport is a constant member of any “World’s Best” list. It is no wonder as it boasts comfortable waiting areas, movie theaters, an indoor butterfly garden, and luxurious yet affordable airport hotels. There are lots of things to do at this airport, and if you find your flight delayed here, they have a Snooze Lounge where you can conveniently take a nap in reclining chairs.

Incheon International Airport, Korea

With the Korean wave taking the world by storm, many people are expected to put South Korea on their travel bucket list. And even if you are headed to other parts of the continent, you can do no worse than a stopover at Korea’s Incheon International Airport. It might not hold the same prestige as Changi Airport, but it does have its fair share of entertainment and relaxation facilities. Take advantage of their free-to-use showers and enjoy a quick snooze at their designated Nap Zones.

family travelling

Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan

Taiwan is another country that is slowly gaining traction in the travel and tourism industry. It also made headlines at the height of the COVID-19 issue for being one of the first countries that were able to keep the virus under control. Even before the pandemic hit, Taiwan was popular among backpackers for its affordable hostels in the city. Their airport has the same safe, economical, and utilitarian feel to it. It may not win awards in the design category, but it is often praised for how efficient things are run. A layover here won’t be so bad since you will have access to free shower areas and comfortable seats to take a nap on.

Haneda International Airport, Japan

If you ask Western visitors which country they would most like to visit right now, chances are they would say Japan. It is the land of anime, geishas, and quirky fashion design. Japan’s cultural blend of old and new has long held the fascination of foreigners. Likewise, their airport is a blend of efficiency and beauty. You can still see standard airport seating at different gates, but they offer areas of leisure as well. You can get a quick massage or a haircut or visit the many golf shops in the area and practice your swing. The airport also has a good selection of Western and Eastern restaurants, so you have plenty to choose from.

International travel might still be up in the air right now (so to speak), but we will experience the fun of traveling again soon. Why not take this opportunity and plan out your next vacation?

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