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How Matchmaking Apps Are Playing It Right

How Matchmaking Apps Are Playing It Right

Well-meaning aunts have long been playing matchmaking on their single kin. Today, you might think that it no longer works. However, with the arrival of advanced matchmaker dating apps, the trusty old matchmaking master has only gone digital, and it is now more popular than ever.

Dating apps were developed for ease, convenience and fun use through mobile devices. Individuals who are waiting for their turn for love can find excitement and adventure every time a match is made. Single people try their luck using these apps to find a compatible mate, get to know them, and eventually go out on a real date to know more about each other.

Dating apps have improved their safety features over time. They have become stricter at verifying identities and checking if the photographs and addresses placed are real. While they do not show all of this information to protect the privacy of the person who owns the account, they have the files on their database. Having authenticated and verified profiles ensures the safety of members when they decide to meet up in real life.

But how do these dating apps know when there is a good match for the seeker? Here is how users can zero in on the best possible matches.

The Algorithms

Dating apps utilize software and programs to help you find another individual who matches the criteria you have set. You will indicate your location, profession, interests, hobbies, life goals and other details upon signing up. From there, the app will provide suggestions of profiles based on this information.


More specific profiles will be displayed based on preferences you have provided, including height, eye color and profession. Profiles that do not meet the criteria are eliminated. This feature is called filtering and has been effective in finding suitable matches according to set user preferences.

Some users are very specific about their standards and want a potential partner that is as close to their ideal as possible. Users may also search for potential partners based on age, hobbies, location, interests, professions and others.

Previous dating app reviews revealed that users respond better when there is a personalized filter option, as they are more likely to yield potential partners that match their interests.

Verified Users

Not all Internet users trust dating apps especially if they have encountered anonymous users or those with fake names and identities. It can be quite traumatic for some and hearing about their experiences makes other hopefuls fear that it will happen to them, too.

This is why newer dating apps have developed background verification features and require a link to other social media accounts. There are even trust scores in some apps based on social media connections. Users with higher trust scores are given more matches and allowed to initiate chat conversations.

File Sharing

woman taking a selfie

Newer dating apps also have interactive chat conversation over a virtual medium where file sharing is allowed. Users can send over photos, voice records, stickers and emojis as well as videos. Some apps even allow users to do video calls. With these new features, users can enjoy interacting with suitable matches, helping them get to know each other better.

Countless dating app members were lucky enough to have found their lifetime partners in this platform. While matchmaking sites are not for everyone, it certainly is the new way to “go out and meet new people” in this brave new world we live in.

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