couple counseling

How to Rescue Your Marriage

How to Rescue Your Marriage

No marriage is perfect. When the blissful honeymoon period becomes a distant memory, couples often go through a series of unhappy events. These include hurt feelings, resentments, fierce arguments, and other types of relationship crises. Some couples seek Broomfield marriage counseling, and others try to solve their marital issues on their own. Sadly, most couples resort to divorce without realizing that their problems are solvable. Here are some ways to rescue your marriage:

1. Have regular money conversations.

Arguments about money can jeopardize many marriages. Nearly 1/3 of couples say that money is the number one source of conflict in their relationship. Money-related issues are the leading cause of divorce in the United States. Couples argue over debt, spending, salary differences, financial infidelity, power play, and child-related expenses.

Solving financial conflicts requires partnership. Sure, it’s difficult for couples to manage finances as a team if they hold conflicting perspectives about money, saving, and spending. For instance, you’ve been taught to value saving and investing, but your spouse has been raised to indulge like there are no rainy days. So how can you reconcile your differing views on finances when you’re married?

There’s no other way to solve it than having an honest, non-judgmental communication without the blame game. Have regular conversations about money where you share your plans and reach a mutual vision on how to manage your household finances.

2. Mind your three A’s

anger problem

Affairs, anger problems, and addiction are deal-breakers when it comes to relationships. Save yourself from these bad habits before you try to save your love life. It might be necessary to talk with a therapist who can help you take significant steps forward and rebuild a stronger foundation for your marriage.

3. Choose your friends wisely.

Your friends can help or destroy your marriage. Surrounding yourself with friends who do not respect your partner, marriage, and marital duties can wreak havoc to your relationship. When you got married, you have entered a new season in your life. Your friends should be able to recognize this transition, understand your priorities, and honor boundaries. Some friends are unable to respect your couple’s time and find satisfaction in being the uninvited third wheel. You want your spouse to be your everything and devote most of your time to nurturing your relationship.

If your wife is jealous of your female BFF, you have to see things from her perspective. If you allow this friend to be a consistent participant in your married life, it will make things uneasy for your partner. It doesn’t mean you have to cut your friend off. But it’s better to stay a step ahead by adjusting the frequency and your manner of communicating with people who could cause your spouse to feel that she’s not your priority.

It’s rare for couples not to face issues that doom their relationship. But instead of letting these problems cause your union’s downfall, you have to make them an opportunity for learning and growth. When navigating a bumpy road, successful couples hang in there, talk about their problems, and mutually agree on a solution.

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