driving a car

Increase Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency with These 10 Tips and Tricks

Increase Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency with These 10 Tips and Tricks

With the increasing fuel costs, knowing a trick or two to help save as much fuel as you can is a big help. Here are a few practical tips you can follow to make your car more fuel-efficient:

10 Fuel Efficiency Hacks You Need to Know

1. Check your tire pressure regularly.

One of the most overlooked aspects of fuel efficiency is tire pressure. A well-maintained set of tires is vital for economic and safe driving. Under-inflated tires tend to drag more and reduces your car’s fuel efficiency by up to 5% in certain cases.

2. Gas up properly.

When gassing up, regardless if its an AC fuel transfer pump or not, keep the nozzle in the tank a few seconds more after the pump shuts off. As much as a quarter of a cup is still poured out from the nozzle after it clicks. Also, the best time to gas up is early morning or late afternoon since fuel is thicker during these times. Avoid filling it up to full to prevent unnecessary leaks.

3. Use cruise control as much as possible.

Your car’s <inside a car=”CarTreatments.com” href=”https://cartreatments.com/cruise-control-info/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”>cruise control function is not just designed for safety but fuel efficiency as well. It makes your car cruise at a constant speed with no unnecessary acceleration or revving. Acceleration increases the amount of work your engine does which means more gas consumption.

4. Avoid idling.

Two things that idling does is:

  • Consumes up to a gallon of gas per hour; and
  • Produces carbon dioxide needlessly in the air. For every ten minutes that the engine is off, you keep a pound of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

Plus, when you’re engine is running but you’re not going anywhere, your gas mileage is zero.

5. Go for an engine check-up at least once a month.

Have a regular schedule to go to the shop and have an engine check-up to make sure it is in tip-top shape. An engine that is in great condition requires less load to function which reduces the amount of gas used. While you’re at it, clean or replace your air filter as needed.

6. Plan your day.

One of the easiest things you can do to save on fuel is to plan your day accordingly. Check your day’s activities and schedules and plan the best route to lessen your time on the road.

7. Travel as lightly as possible.

Avoid loading up your car with too much weight. The heavier the car is, the more resistance it produces. The more resistance, the greater the engine’s work. An excess weight of 100 pounds is enough to reduce your car’s fuel efficiency by 1% to 2%.

8. Drive at a normal speed.

Make it a habit to drive within the set speed limits. Get to a safe and comfortable speed and try to maintain it. Keep in mind that slowing down or speeding up wastes gas. Staying within 60 to 80 mph can save you as much as 25% in fuel consumption.

9. Minimize your AC use.


Turning on the AC adds 10% to your fuel consumption, especially if you’re driving at low speeds. If the weather is comfortable and pleasant, it is recommended to turn your AC off and roll your windows down. However, if you’re driving on a highway or freeway at 80 mph, it is best to turn it on.

10. Keep the car in the garage.

Perhaps the most effective fuel-efficient method is not using the car at all. Take the bus or the subway or better yet, try cycling or walking around town. On top of saving fuel and money, you get to exercise, too.

Practicality is more important now than ever before. Cutting down on your fuel consumption means saving money that you can divert to other more important priorities.

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