group of teenagers taking a selfie

New Kind of Fun: Activities You and Your Friends Can Take Part In

New Kind of Fun: Activities You and Your Friends Can Take Part In

To strengthen your bond with your friends, you are all planning activities that will let you discover new things about them. These are ways to create new memories, which you and your pals can always look back on. More often than not, people go for the usual, such as dinners and booze nights. But you may throw some variety into the mix. That way, you and your friends get to experience new things—something that is out of the usual.

However, making plans with friends can be difficult, especially if you all cannot agree on the activity that you will take part in. The best way to go about it is to find out the coming ground, and start from there. Though, there are cases where new activities do not materialize, as the group does not have an idea what to do. If this is what your friend group experiences, here are some of the things you may want to try on:

Organizing a cook-off

You might have been trying new restaurants or bars every week. But have you ever tasted the dishes cooked by your friends? Or have they tried yours? If your answer is “No”, now is the perfect time to organize a cook-off or a potluck. You can host the activity, especially if you have a big space that can accommodate your friends. You can already assign which dish each of you will cook. And if you are looking for a twist, why not have the cook-off in the morning. A nice brunch will be fun.

Visiting a haunted house attraction

vampire and witch opening the door of haunted house

You and your friends may not be big fans of amusement parks, granted that you are already young adults. But keeping in touch with your kiddie side will surely bring out some fun. So over the weekend, go to an amusement park with you and your friends and unleash your inner child. But if you want to excite yourself, take it a notch higher by going to a haunted house attraction.

Visiting a museum

You and your friends may be artsy fartsy or culture vultures. And you guys have been meaning to visit a museum. If that plan has always been put off, you may want to make it happen this weekend. Just make sure that you already have secured your passes, as certain museums can be pretty packed during weekends.

Organizing a fundraiser

If you and your friends are looking to do something more meaningful, why not organize a fundraiser? For one, you can hold a garage sale where your proceeds will go to your chosen charity. You may also organize a hip concert with the same purpose.

Planning new activities with your friends should not be a herculean task. Find the common thing or interest and start from there. Or if you are leading the planning, you might as well suggest activities. There may be some cases where you will need to give way just for the activity to push through. What’s important is that you are all having fun.

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