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Seven Cybersecurity Tips You Need to Protect Yourself in the Digital Era

Seven Cybersecurity Tips You Need to Protect Yourself in the Digital Era

In today’s digitalized world, over 4.6 billion individuals use the internet every month, and if you’re one of them, you should prioritize your security online. Around 86% of users understand the privacy concerns associated with using the internet, at the most basic level, such as installing anti-virus software and using passwords. However, over 61% of users say that they want to do more to protect themselves from cyber-attacks.

Here are the best ways to protect yourself in the digital era.

Be Proactive

The first thing you need to do to protect yourself online is by being aware of the problems that you may face when you visit unsafe websites or don’t practice preventive security measures. Keep in mind that cybercriminals don’t discriminate in targeting different users, and the best way you can fight this is by being proactive.

You can consult with companies offering cybersecurity services for security measures you can implement to your system if you have no previous experience in the sector or want to enhance your security. Remember, you can’t undo all mistakes with “ctrl + Z”.

Take Advantage of Two-Factor Authentication

Although having a ‘strong’ password is essential for online security, it’s more imperative to have two-factor authentication. That’s because this method provides extra layers of security measures, so if a hacker or someone you know guesses your password, they still have to through an additional security measure. Doing this helps you ensure your account doesn’t get easily breached.

Watch Out for Phishing Scams

With more than 3 million ‘fake’ emails being sent daily, ‘phishing’ attacks are some of the most prevalent cybersecurity threats that many people would fall victim to. Phishing scams are when a hacker poses as someone the recipient may know and trick them into opening a site that would have a dangerous malware.

Stay Current

A critical method to improve your online security is by updating your software, protecting you from potential cyberattacks. When you don’t frequently update it, your systems may experience developing patches or security holes, making it convenient for hackers to intercept.

Change Your Passwords Every 90 Days

changing password concept

A simple yet effective way of ensuring cybersecurity is by routinely changing your password every 90 days. That’s because using the same password for an extended period can expose your accounts to cybercriminals. Additionally, never use only one password, whether it’s for social media or different websites because when you utilize only one password, you’re placing your valuables in danger by offering cybercriminals convenience.

Back It Up With Cloud

Although there are plenty of security measures you can take, there’s still a chance of someone compromising your information. When this happens, it’s best to have a backup plan, and the best way to fight this is by storing your information through cloud storage, where your data will be kept by a reliable provider, guaranteeing disaster recovery. It can save your data from an attack since your information will not get stored on a local device.

Encrypt Your Data

Encrypting data can help protect your privacy and information online by ensuring you’re the only one that has access to your data. It does this by encoding data to help it remain hidden from unauthorized individuals, enhancing the overall security of your systems, including the communication between client applications and servers.

These cybersecurity tips can go a long way in protecting your information online, saving you from dangerous and expensive cyber attacks — giving you the peace of mind you deserve, allowing you to browse the internet safely and securely.

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