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Tech Advances That Are Currently Shaping Customer Experience

Tech Advances That Are Currently Shaping Customer Experience

Customers are the most essential aspects of any business enterprise. For a business to succeed, it is important to develop a loyal consumer base, which can only be possible by satisfying customers through meaningful experiences. As the business landscape becomes more competitive, customer retention is more challenging than ever as the market continuously offers several alternatives.

In this ever-growing digital world, companies now have countless solutions to easily improve the efficiency of their business, allowing them to retain and satisfy their customer base. In turn, customers start to set higher standards of performance and excellence as companies leverage their tech tools.

For instance, Xorcom IP phone systems have helped private, commercial, and government offices to handle large volumes of calls to ensure efficiency in call management. This helped employees prevent the costly impact of miscommunication and streamline communications within the business.

Staying on top of tech trends and innovations involves learning how these new solutions can help businesses engage, promote, and improve customer experience. Those companies  willing to embrace ingenuity offered by technology are usually the ones who provide better experiences and services to their customers. So if you want to be like them, here are some modern tech advances to help businesses enhance the customer experience journey.


Chatbots are one of the recent revolutions in the e-commerce world. Although chatbots have been around for a while, their popularity is currently at a fast pace as businesses gradually discover their ability to automate simple tasks. They also have plenty of benefits for businesses, while they make life easier for customers since they’re always available 24/7.

AI-powered chatbots use an algorithmic learning feature that allows them to gather information and learn from tweak responses and previous conversations. Basically, they serve as virtual assistants that help businesses manage customer service operations efficiently and quickly.

Before, customers have to consider the business work hours to submit an inquiry. As more businesses incorporate chatbots features in their messaging apps, live chat, and social media, customers no longer have to wait since chatbots are always available to respond to messages in just a few seconds.

The biggest appeal of chatbots is that they are easy to deploy in digital platforms. They provide instant customer support via SMS, website, mobile applications, voice calls, and instant messaging. Their quick response times allow them to handle customer queries efficiently, leading to improved customer experience and satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Recent advances in machine learning and cognitive computing led to the emergence of AI solutions in the business landscape. Like chatbots, AI has already proven its impact on enhancing customer experience. This digital solution offers plenty of benefits from improving a company’s decision-making abilities to supporting customer conversations. By helping businesses speed up process automation, AI helps in providing actionable and proactive responses to customers.

According to Gartner Inc., a global research and advisory firm, they previously predicted that starting 2020, customers will learn to manage 85% of their relationships to a business without any human interaction. This prediction proved to be true, as e-commerce industries have completely adopted AI to improve customer experience and differentiate their services from other competitors.

A great example of this is the Hilton hotel chain that made AI a fixed component of their customer experience by offering a robot-operated concierge to handle guests’ inquiries. Because of robotics and cognitive reasoning, the robot can handle personalized interactions and learn continuously as it provides assistance to different people.

robot using laptop

Although making a robot is an extreme example of technology, this latest innovation demonstrates the ability of AI to ensure a quality customer experience. It may be a costly solution, but its ability to learn and interact shows that technology has a powerful way of influencing the customer experience.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR has been a part of the gaming market since the 1990s, but it was only recently when modern businesses recognized its use in transforming the customer experience. This technology is designed to create a simulated environment while offering a full sensory experience, which captures the user’s imagination, attention, and senses. This gives the user an immersive experience within an artificial three-dimensional environment.

When it comes to customer experience, VR helps businesses engage with customers in a more immersive way by motivating customers to interact with a product or brand. VR is currently used in eLearning and hands-on experience demo, where customers test and discover products/services in a virtual environment.

The examples above are recent tech advances that continue to transform every aspect of customer experience in a business. Many companies today have already experienced the benefits of these technologies, which allowed them to improve the growth, productivity, and efficiency of their services. As technologies continuously evolve, businesses should stay up-to-date with the latest innovations to give customers the most exceptional service and experience possible.

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