tooth infection

Tooth Infections: Identifying The Early Signs

Tooth Infections: Identifying The Early Signs

Since our mouth is known for being one of the warm and most moist orifices of our body, it’s a prime breeding ground for a variety of different bacterias. Not only are the conditions just ripe for the proliferation of disease-causing microbes, but it’s also the body’s primary source of sustenance by grinding down and chewing food. That said, food can quickly get stuck in between teeth, increasing the likelihood of infections.

The first thing that most people think of when it comes to tooth pain is that it can be one of the most excruciating types of pain that most people will feel in their lifetime. Usually, most people will relate tooth pain with a tooth pushing another tooth out of its position or because of a specific injury in the mouth. However, tooth infections are one of the leading cause of tooth pain and are medically known as a dental abscess.

Let’s face it: the process of removing an infected tooth is known for being one of the most painfully excruciating operations out there. Since it’s painful and can leave a permanently missing tooth, it’s only essential to look for the early signs of infection and start doing necessary measures. After all, prevention is better than having to spend hundreds of dollars on treating a tooth infection.

So what are some early signs of a tooth infection? What can you do to minimize the likelihood of tooth infections from happening? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Tell-Tale Signs of A Tooth Infection

Most dental experts would say that the pocket of pus that forms around your teeth’s root is the main catalyst of most infections. Pus is usually comprised of bacteria and dead tissue, which can easily supply an infection. If an abscess does not burst, you might want to have a dentist intentionally drain the pus. In most extreme cases, you might have to get a tooth removal or a root canal operation. Fortunately, there are vetted professionals that can carry out precise root canal treatment in the area.

Sensitivity To Fluctuations Of Temperature

Usually, a healthy set of teeth aren’t too sensitive to heat or even too cold temperatures. However, extreme levels of heat and freezing temperatures could “hurt” our teeth. Still, infected teeth are especially sensitive to cold temperatures, especially since there are a lot of nerves in certain areas.

Not only are infected teeth more sensitive to changes in temperature, but they’re also known for also being vulnerable to external stimuli in the form of impacts and changes in pressure.


Swelling Of The Mouth Area

Another tell-tale sign of an infection is when there’s swelling in the general area. In the case of a tooth infection, the immune system will rush towards the area as a means of stopping the infection and will result ininflammation and swelling. The severity of the swelling will usually vary and is conversely related to the pain that you’ll feel on your teeth.

Tenderness Around Your Teeth

It’s important to note that tenderness could also be an underlying symptom for different infections and diseases. If the tenderness is not just limited to the roots of your teeth, you might want to consider asking for professional help.

Dental Abcess Prevention

There are different ways of remedying such an infection. Here’s what you can do without having to spend much on dental operations:

  • Most dental experts would suggest frequently rinsing the area with saltwater, though other individuals prefer gargling with baking soda.
  • In some cases, hydrogen peroxide is used for more severe cases of tooth infection.
  • For swelling and extreme bouts of pain, individuals can use a cold compress as a means of constricting the blood vessels in the area, which can stop the pain and subsequently removing the swelling.

The bottom line? There’s really no one major cause of tooth infections, and the causes of it could vary. But one of the best ways of preventing such infections is by determining early onsets of the infection before it gets to a serious level. After all, prevention is better than having to cure an infection.

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