sad woman travelling

World Destinations to Mend Your Broken Heart and Feed Your Soul

World Destinations to Mend Your Broken Heart and Feed Your Soul

Breakups are exceptionally painful—the endless wall crying while listening to a sad playlist every day. But that should be just a phase that you need to overcome. Indeed, it hurts, your heart is aching, and you feel like your entire world is collapsing. You will not be interested in activities to mend your heart for some time, and that’s okay.

Take all the time you need to collect yourself. But make sure that at the end of the line, you get up and wipe your tears, ready to try new things without a partner. Once you’re ready, pack your bags and jump on a solo adventure.

Traveling alone might seem frightening, but it’s an excellent opportunity to take a break and find your old self. Not sure where to go first? Check out these unique travel destinations to mend your broken heart and help you feel better.

Bali, Indonesia

Even though Bali is well-known as a favorite travel destination for newlyweds and couples, it’s also a perfect place for singles. First of all, Bali is such a wonderful place that it can take all your heartaches away. You can swim and surf in the ocean, walk through mesmerizing waterfalls or enjoy local delicacies.

Visiting Bali will indeed allow you to find that peace and serenity you’re looking for. If you want a hassle-free trip, book with the most trusted travel agencies in the area so you can focus on healing yourself.

Siargao, Philippines

Getting over a heartache is basically like training to surf. In the beginning, you’ll find it hard to take on waves and stay on board. There’s more to surfing than just falling several times. But over time, you’ll learn to have more self-reliance as you take your time. And before you know it, when the big waves come, you’re finally ready to ride with the waves.

Siargao is one of the best places to visit if you want to get over a painful breakup. This place is like a paradise, so make sure to enjoy every inch of it. Here, you can surf, eat fresh seafood, walk by the seashore, and bike around. The place offers many activities that will surely help you move on.

African city


Africa is one of the most loved continents in the world. The locals are well-known for being inviting and open to tourists, plus the landscapes are to die for. If you want to move on from a bad breakup so bad, interacting with the locals is ideal.

However, safety is also one of the main concerns in Africa. If you’re going to travel alone, avoid walking alone in big cities and always go with a crowd. But don’t let the negatives stop you from exploring this beautiful country. If you want to see the circle of life unfold before you, a trip to the Serengeti is your best bet. For safety purposes, it might be wiser to book a travel agency to ensure a fun-filled trip to the safari.

Tokyo, Japan

Undeniably, Tokyo is home to busy streets, unique cuisine, bright signages, creative street fashion, anime, and many more. So if you’re looking for a place that will bring you out of this world, Tokyo is the place to be.

Everywhere in Japan is a great place to visit. This country has the power to unleash the childish part in you, which is excellent, especially if you’re trying to loosen up after a heartache. There are plenty of places like the Ghibli Museum, Sanrio Puroland, and Robot Restaurant. Don’t forget to eat the famous ramen to top off your Japan trip.

Paris, France

Before you say not to Paris, aka the City of Love, think about how amazing it will be to conquer a place full of lovers all by yourself. It takes courage to admit that you need to explore Paris all by yourself, but it can be a fulfilling experience.

Paris is not just a city for couples and lovers. It’s also for people who want to boost self-love. Let go of your negative emotions by visiting the famous Eiffel Tower. Don’t forget to visit the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum. Wherever you go in Paris, you will always find a new way to appreciate yourself more.

Breakups happen, and unfortunately, they put people in so much pain. After dedicating all your effort, affection, and time to someone who just broke your heart, it’s time to devote that same amount of love to no other than yourself. Yes, if self-love means boarding a plane and going away, then do so. Traveling after a heartache can help you bounce back to the happy and cheerful old you. And lastly, it will help you discover so many things about yourself that you weren’t even aware of.

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