person having checkup

Your Annual Check-Up: Medical Tests You Can’t Afford to Skip

Your Annual Check-Up: Medical Tests You Can’t Afford to Skip

Preventive healthcare is possible with today’s medical technology and society’s increasing awareness about health issues. With more and more people sharing ways to live a healthier lifestyle, it’s easier to curb appetites and activities that trigger diseases like cancer.

That being said, just because you exercise five days a week, eat a lot of vegetables, and feel great doesn’t mean that you should ignore your annual medical check-up. It’s only a professional who can assess your health’s actual status and rule out any serious medical problems. If you do happen to have any concerning pains or growths in your body, diagnosing them early gives you a higher chance of treating them and avoiding irreversible consequences.

For you to get the most of your annual medical check-up, make sure that you don’t skip out on these three tests:

Blood Tests

Routine blood tests are essential in providing your doctor with a good idea of your overall health. An estimated 70 percent of medical decisions are based on your diagnostic test results, which is why you’ll be required to get your blood taken before seeing a doctor. One of the first things you’ll see in your laboratory results is whether the different substances in your blood are within the normal range. Your doctor will discuss any abnormal findings with you, which may lead to dietary recommendations or further tests to rule out possible diseases.

A common misconception people have is that blood tests reveal everything that is wrong with your body. There are over 100 types of blood tests, each of them addressing specific concerns. If you’ve been having digestive health problems and stabbing pains in your abdomen, you should let your doctor know during your consultation. He or she might recommend another kind of blood test to measure the alfa-fetoprotein levels in your blood to check your liver health. If findings are inconclusive, you might also have to search for an affordable liver MRI scan to rule out the possibility of cancer. Your doctor won’t want you to take chances because if the results turn out positive, at least you can act on it at once.

Thyroid Test

The thyroid is a hormone gland that regulates your metabolism and physical development. Problems arise when it doesn’t receive the right kind of nutrients it needs because of your diet. While the thyroid function test is a type of blood test, it’s worth highlighting it because not many people are aware that hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are serious conditions with equally serious repercussions.

Apart from bodily pains, these can also cause mental issues. Other tests that can check your thyroid health include radioactive iodine uptake and thyroid scans. If these aren’t included in your annual check-up, now’s the time to ask your doctor about it.

laboratory technicians

Skin Exams

Many think that visiting a dermatologist is only for vanity purposes. Doctors would disagree. Dermatologists are the medical professionals who can best determine whether you’re at risk of skin cancer, as it is the most common type of cancer in the whole world.

Those freckles and moles you think are “cute” can be the first signs of skin cancer, and only your dermatologist can differentiate a malignant from a benign one. So before you think of getting a facial, it’s best to go to one to have your skin assessed first.

No to Self-Diagnosing

Medical websites and self-diagnosing apps can feel like an affordable alternative to your annual check-up. While they do have their benefits, they’re not replacements for the aforementioned tests and an actual professional diagnosis. If you’re looking for reliable results, schedule your check-up in a real clinic or hospital and make sure these three tests are included.

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