
HR department of company looking at applications

Successful Recommendations: How to Improve Your Hiring Quantity Through Employee Referrals

More than 51% of recruiters prefer using employee referrals, according to a recent study by HR consultancy firm Bersin. And it’s no surprise, as experts from recruitment software firm Jobvite found that applicants from referrals are hired 55% more quickly than the ones from job boards. They stay longer, too. The study found that 46%

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discussion with notes

For a Positive Virtual Space: How to Boost the Morale of Your Remote Teams

The traditional office environment has become too stuffy and rigid for some of today’s employees, which is why businesses create new workspaces. No, they don’t buy new office chairs or install cool new art pieces. Rather, companies let their employees work outside the office. These remote teams are now in control of their work environment, spurring

For a Positive Virtual Space: How to Boost the Morale of Your Remote Teams Read More »

business expenses
business, Management, Work

Effective and Legal Ways to Reduce Business Expenses

When it comes to priorities, small and big companies have a few similarities. They share similar goals that include attracting more clients, improving sales and raising brand awareness. Unfortunately, some businesses struggle to achieve their goals because of existing business challenges. Some of them are also failing to attain growth from the difficulty of dealing

Effective and Legal Ways to Reduce Business Expenses Read More »

Insurance Company Building
business, Technology, Work

How Well is the Insurance Industry Adopting Technology for Analytics?

For a long time, the insurance industry was quite conservative in keeping up with modern trends and technology; this is, however, changing. The widespread deployment of technology in the insurance industry today is not just a response to contemporary trends. It is a matter of necessity in maintaining a competitive pace in the business. Big

How Well is the Insurance Industry Adopting Technology for Analytics? Read More »

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