kis with gaps in teeth

Common Dental Problems Among Children (and How to Fix Them)

Common Dental Problems Among Children (and How to Fix Them)

Although children will lose their teeth and grow new ones as they become older, they face many dental problems. Before your child comes to crying because of unbearable pain and to prevent more serious issues, learn about the common tooth and mouth problems they may experience.

Tooth Decay

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, is a common problem among children around the world. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that about one in five children aged five to 11 has untreated tooth decay. If left alone, tooth decay may lead to intense pain and infection that can cause your child to have problems eating, speaking, playing, and learning.

If your child has cavities, it is best to go to your local Townsville dental clinic as soon as possible. A dentist will be able to save your child from pain and prevent the damage from becoming a bigger problem.

To avoid tooth decay, teach your child the importance of proper dental hygiene. Encourage them to brush their teeth twice a day and use toothpaste that contains fluoride, a mineral that strengthens the enamel of the teeth. Moreover, monitor their diets. Food that is rich in carbohydrates boosts the buildup of bacteria called plaque at a tooth’s enamel.

Misaligned Teeth Caused by Thumb Sucking

For infants, sucking their thumb or a pacifier is natural since it gives them a feeling of security and comfort. However, it can cause a problem if a child continues to suck their thumb beyond the age of five when their permanent teeth are starting to come in.

Depending on the duration and intensity of the thumb sucking, your child may develop an overbite. An overbite happens when the upper jaw protrudes forward and overlaps with the lower jaw. It may lead to difficulty chewing and speaking and an increased risk of tooth decay. In more serious cases, your child may lose their self-esteem because their overbite has caused their face to look unusual.

Consulting an orthodontist will be able to assess the problem and tell you how to correct it.

Gum Disease

kid holding her toothbrush

Gingivitis, also called gum disease, occurs when the tissues that hold your teeth together become infected. People who have the condition may experience bad breath that does not go away, swollen or bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and pain when they chew.

Like cavities, gingivitis is caused by poor dental hygiene. When plaque builds up, it will harden and form tartar that will eventually affect the gums. Regular visits to the dentist can prevent gingivitis, as only professional cleaning will be able to remove the buildup of tartar from your teeth. As a preventative measure, proper brushing of teeth and flossing twice a day can stop plaque from accumulating.

Canker Sore

Finally, aphthous ulcers, more commonly known as canker sores, are small and shallow wounds inside the mouth. When a child has canker sores, they may experience difficulty eating or drinking. While the direct cause of canker sores is still unclear, many factors contribute to its development. Poor diet, stress, allergies, and infection may cause your child to have canker sores on their gums or tongue.

When a child has canker sores, you can help ease the pain by feeding them soft food. Avoid abrasive, spicy, and acidic meals which will exacerbate the pain. Look into antimicrobial mouthwash or topical treatment to cure it fast.

Many dental problems experienced by children can be avoided by simply encouraging them proper hygiene. Teach them how to properly and thoroughly wash their teeth and give them food that is nutritious and healthy.

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