Five Things Parents Can Do to Prepare Your Little One for Primary School

Five Things Parents Can Do to Prepare Your Little One for Primary School

All parents would want their little ones to be prepared on what the future has to offer. Now that your child is about to start primary school, it is best that you prepare them as early as now. Since the big school is now more challenging than preschool, it can take a lot of adjustments for your little one. But what does it take to help your child prepare for school? Here are some of the things that you can do to get them started:

Help them do things independently

If they are not yet confident in doing certain things by themselves, now is the perfect time to boost their confidence. They should dress themselves up, prepare their things for school, and use the toilet independently. Encourage them to do things on their own and praise them for their effort. Forget about perfection; show your child how it’s done without criticism.

Ask them to check out books perfect for their level

What better way to introduce their lessons than by providing them with the same books for primary students? You can ask them to read their books and start giving them a glimpse of their future lessons. In Singapore, you have the option to buy primary school books online. You can ask them to read the books and answer some of the worksheets. They will learn a thing or two even before school starts. You can even use this opportunity to ignite their love for reading.

Give them enough space to be with the company of others

Woman teaching science to children

Your child needs to learn how to communicate and spend time with other people. This will help them have the courage to be left at school without making a fuss. Allow your child to play with other kids in the playground. Set up play dates with your friend’s children. Watch out for signs of separation anxiety disorder so that you can address this the soonest time possible.

Teach them how to hold their pencils and colouring materials properly

Proper pencil control is extremely important in primary school students. If your child is unable to hold a pencil the right way, they will have a hard time writing. Aside from teaching the proper pencil grip, allow them to practice fine motor skills. Allow them to be creative with play dough, finger painting, and gardening. Encourage activities that will help them improve their pencil grip to help them get ready for school.

Show your child how to be a great communicator

Communication skills are extremely important, especially in school. So make sure to help your child become a good communicator. Family meals and playtime are an excellent time to foster your child’s communication skills. Talk to them more often, and ask them how their day has gone. Encourage them to express what they think and feel, but don’t forget to tell the importance of listening.

Getting your little one ready for primary school is no easy task. But with your help, you can prepare your child little by little. With this list, you can start boosting their confidence in doing the things they need to do in school. You can help them become a great communicator and independent young child who is ready to tackle the challenges of their big school.

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