friends hanging out

Small Talk, Real Talk: Conversation Starters for All Introverts

Small Talk, Real Talk: Conversation Starters for All Introverts

Perhaps some of the most misunderstood types of people are introverts. They seem shy and reserved, preferring to be alone rather than mingle with other people. Introverts are those who usually dread starting a conversation and making small talk. They tend to be more listeners than talkers.

But the truth is that small talk is impossible to avoid, especially if you are in social clubs in Singapore. At some point, an introvert will have to attend social events as part of the job or out of courtesy to the one who invited them. It can be awkward at first, and they would rather observe and wish that no one would approach them. Then again, it is impossible not to engage in small talk if you are in a large crowd.

Introverts are not shy people who loathe talking to people they don’t know. They like spending their time alone and collecting their thoughts. They might still like being with other people, but they are not usually the ones to initiate a conversation.

Mastering the art of small talk

There is nothing wrong with talking to strangers, especially if you are in a social gathering. After all, what is the sense of being in a social event if you do not mingle with other people? You can learn many things while engaging in small talk.

If you are an introvert, you can still succeed in striking a conversation if you want to. It can be nerve-racking since you won’t know how other people will react. You don’t have to force yourself to start a conversation with another person. Then again, that small talk can lead to something better later on. Here are ways to polish your conversation skills even if you are a confessed introvert:

1. Relax, don’t panic.

conversation at the park

First of all, be positive and avoid those negative thoughts running through your head. Just do it – if they do not react, don’t feel bad and move on. You can still enjoy the night your own way.

2. Be curious.

Instead of dreading small talk, use it to know other people. You can start with “How are you?” Take note of their responses, and you can follow up with more questions from there. The other person will appreciate someone who listens to what they say, and it can be a good start for a good conversation.

3. Add personal trivia.

If you are asked, don’t stop with one or two-word responses. Instead, you can add a little more info about yourself. Perhaps instead of saying “I’m fine,” you can follow it up with something like, “I’m fine, thank you! This is such a nice place, and I like the coffee here.” From there, you can dig deeper and aim for more meaningful conversations.

Engaging in small talk doesn’t have to be traumatic, especially if you are an introvert. Whether you like it or not, you will need to interact with other people as part of your job and your social circle. Introverts might be often misunderstood, but they can be fun people, too.

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