basement remodeling

Got an Empty Basement? Turn It To A Functional Space

Got an Empty Basement? Turn It To A Functional Space

If you own an unfinished basement, chances are you only visit it whenever it’s time to make adjustments to the heating system or get something from the storage you’ve almost forgotten. Who would ever want to spend a lot of time down there?

Unless you do some regular cleaning in that most unused space in your home, it probably looks like something straight out of a horror movie: damp floors, musty air, and that overall creepy vibe. But, if you open your mind and get your creative juices on, you can certainly turn that space into a valuable part of your home.

If you’re thinking about doing some basement remodeling in your home in Orem, Utah, here are three creative ideas to help you utilize that available space.

Have Your Own Photography Studio

If you have a blog or simply enjoy taking photos, you can have your own studio to create perfectly staged photos in your unfinished basement. You can set up your own lighting, add reflectors, drop cloths, and any backdrops you need.

Use a flat neutral color such as medium gray on your walls and make sure your basement ceiling is at least nine to 10 feet high. Otherwise, the much lower ceiling height will have a huge effect on the quality of your photos. While you can have your own studio lights, natural light is still the best choice.

Build A Home Office

home officeTired of that desk and chair in a tiny corner you use to sort out all your important documents and monthly bills? With a few lighting adjustments and some creativity, why not turn a small portion of your unfinished basement into your office?

You’re going to need more than a desk, chair, and some shelves to make this work. You’ll also have to install flooring, drywall, and electrical fixtures in one corner of the basement. Also, because most unfinished basements don’t have proper lighting and ventilation, you may need to add some sources of light and warmth to yours. Make it as comfortable a space as possible, so you wouldn’t mind spending hours there working.

Create A Private Workout Space

If the one thing that stops you from achieving your fitness goals is that drive from your home to the gym, why not turn your unfinished basement into a place to do your workouts? If it’s huge enough, you can also invite your friends to do some yoga or Pilates together.

If you’re into kickboxing, hanging a heavy bag in the ceiling from a durable beam is another option. Once you’ve cleaned and cleared everything in your basement, make sure to apply some garage floor sealants to the floor. For an attractive and comfortable look, go for some epoxy coating.

If a full carpet installation is completely out of the question, you can make your cold, unattractive floors look and feel more comfortable with some carpet tiles. Not only they are affordable, but you can also create interesting patterns by mixing and matching different colors without going beyond your budget.

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