
Health Questions: Do People Need Vitamin Supplements?

Health Questions: Do People Need Vitamin Supplements?

Living a healthy life is essential to everyone. However, there are just too many intricacies in life that we don’t know about. Our diet is one of these complex mysteries we are still yet to crack.

When it comes to our nature as human beings, what we eat is what we are. This saying goes the same with our vitamins. They’re in every meal we take, so do we need vitamin supplements to help us out?

What Are Vitamins?

Before discussing anything else, we first have to discuss the nature of vitamins. As human beings, we are consumers of what our planet gives us. Without nourishment, we can quickly perish, and unlike plants, we can’t produce our nutrients from sunlight alone. Yes, we can receive Vitamin D from the sun, but that’s not enough to sustain us. Furthermore, the food we eat might not be enough if they don’t have the vitamins we need.

Essentially, vitamins are organic compounds that we need in our bodies because either we can’t produce them or can’t produce enough of them to survive. They are essential to our survival because they are connected to many systems in our bodies. Moreover, they are even more critical during the pandemic because some vitamins are related to a robust immune system.

Now that we know that vitamins are essential to our health, should we start consuming copious amounts of vitamin supplements? Unfortunately, the answer is no, and you might not need to consume any vitamin supplement in your lifetime.

taking account of vitamins

Do We Need to Take Them?

There is no need to take vitamin supplements if you’re eating healthily. In most instances, people have a balanced diet. Sure, some diets might be better than others when obtaining specific vitamins. For example, the Mediterranean diet, rich in beans and nuts, can provide more vitamin D to people who consume it. But no diet’s better than others.

There’s a good chance that the diet you have right now fits your current lifestyle. Better yet, it fits the climate and condition of where your current location. As long as you don’t eat fast food and junk food every day, there’s a good chance that you won’t need to take vitamin supplements to survive. However, there are some instances when we need these supplements, and those instances include a time when we have vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies are extreme cases. These are times when a particular person does not have enough vitamins to sustain certain bodily functions.

If you have a case of vitamin deficiency, you’ll notice that you’ll feel more lethargic than usual. You might also experience some hair loss. In extreme cases, people can experience bleeding gums and mouth ulcers. All of these are symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. But vitamin deficiency isn’t a disease and should not be an indicator of disease.

Vitamin deficiencies should never be used to indicate vulnerability towards certain diseases. For example, when it comes to allergies, you’re still going to need a reliable allergy testing expert to help you out. Likewise, the lack of vitamin C doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be susceptible to allergies. So don’t rely on your deficiency to tell you whether you’ll be vulnerable to certain diseases or not. Most likely than not, they are one of the many reasons why you’ve gotten a particular disease, but not the sole reason why.

A proper and healthy diet can correct vitamin deficiencies. However, some doctors can add supplements to your diet if it’s hard to obtain the necessary vitamins you need.

Rare Vitamins You Should Get

If you’re experiencing a bit under the weather, there’s a good chance that you’re not getting some of the necessary vitamins you need. Shift your diet towards that vitamins so you’ll feel a lot better. However, some rare vitamins are quite hard to get, regardless of our diet. It’s not essential that we seek these vitamins, but they’ll certainly help us perform a lot better. Here are some rare vitamins you should aim to get:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids — Not many diets in the world have access to this vitamin. It’s not an essential vitamin, but it’ll help you combat certain illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. A diet with fatty fish like salmon should help you gain this vitamin.
  • Magnesium — This particular vitamin is found in all sorts of food but small doses. It’s great in reducing anxiety attacks and high blood pressure. The diet that’s rich in magnesium includes leafy greens like spinach.
  • Vitamin K — There’s a good chance you have not heard of this vitamin, but it’s crucial to healthy bones. Vitamin K is a pretty rare vitamin that exists in only selected food. Once again, leafy greens have this vitamin, so get them into your diet.

Vitamin supplements aren’t necessary unless you’re suffering severe vitamin deficiency. By the end of the day, it’s better to have a well-balanced diet to get the vitamins you need for the day.

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