small town with crossroads

The Impact of Living in a Small Town on Your Lifestyle

The Impact of Living in a Small Town on Your Lifestyle

If you haven’t been to a small town, you probably think of it as fictional. After all, most works of literature often have one as their setting. Books and films paint small towns as romantic, tranquil places where you’d find a strong sense of community.

True enough, small towns indeed promote the true meaning of community. Everyone knows one another, so it’s easier to form friendships in a small town than in a big city. Moreover, though commercial districts are far away, small towns’ economies also thrive. So you’re not automatically off the grid in your quaint little town.

Many people in the U.S. have been relocating to small towns since the pandemic began. With remote work possibly becoming permanent, small-town living may become a trend in other places, such as here in the U.K. If you’ve always lived in the big city, here’s how small-town living may influence your lifestyle:

You May Reduce Your Expenses

Small towns often boast cheaper costs of living compared to big cities. For example, in some rural areas, you can buy or rent a three-bedroom house for a fraction of its average price in the city. Hence, your daily expenses won’t break the bank as well. Your usual budget in the city can afford you more groceries, home services, and entertainment in a small town.

Some may say that cheap costs of living mean a poor economy. Don’t let that fool you. Country-wide market behaviors influence a small town’s economy, too. For instance, in June 2021, rural house prices in England and Wales increased twice as fast as in cities. It means small towns can be a seller’s market when property supplies decline. So if you need to sell your small-town home in the future, you can expect to make hefty profits just as you would have if you sold your city home.

On the other hand, if you want to buy a small-town home, don’t believe the films in which only haunted houses seem to be available. You can also find modern and urban-like neighborhoods in a small town. And the best part is that they’re cheaper. If you’re getting a loan, you can pay it back easier. A qualified mortgage broker can help connect you to a lender with favorable terms and interest rates.

You May No Longer Need Your Car

Traffic in small towns isn’t as bad as in the cities. And because the population is also denser, public transport won’t be as crowded. As a result, you can commute to and from work without getting exhausted.

Petrol and fares are cheaper. So if you won’t use your car as often, commuting won’t hurt your daily budget. And if you need to refill your tank, you may barely spend money because you drive less often anyway.

For that reason, you no longer need your car. Not that you should sell or dispose of it. It’s good to keep your auto because it could help raise emergency funds. Plus, if you need to travel far, it’ll still be more convenient to use a car than public transport.

You Can Start a Small Business

The small business scene in small towns is booming. It is a common source of income for many residents. You won’t typically find multi-million-pound companies in small towns, so employment opportunities tend to be limited. But that’s not a bad thing. Owning a small business can yield significant profits, allowing you to live comfortably.

If you want to keep your job in the big city, consider working remotely. Try being a digital nomad. They make up a significant portion of a small town’s residents. Digital nomads are remote workers who often freelance or work for an international company. They include any professional, from writers to software engineers.

Digital nomads can also run an e-commerce business. If you want to try it out, you can target customers from different places if you can ship out orders in many locations. As a result, you can be a successful entrepreneur living below your means, which will allow you to preserve more wealth.

You’ll Grow Closer to Nature

woman laid down in a clearing in a park

If you live in a neighborhood surrounded by trees and virgin landscapes, you’ll grow closer to nature. As such, you can try a minimalist or sustainable lifestyle. You can also buy your food from local farmers. It would be a big switch from what you were used to in the city, which was probably dining out and buying imported goods. While it’s not wrong to do those, buying local and living green benefits the community and the environment more.

Small-town living might be for you if you’re ready to make these lifestyle changes. Expect to become a different version of yourself—someone more eco-conscious, budget-savvy, and optimistic.

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