emotional support group

Finding the Right Sources of Love and Support

Finding the Right Sources of Love and Support

Recovery is a personal journey aimed at hope, empowerment, and independence. And rehabilitation is frequently achievable for many individuals with mental health problems. Many elements contribute to rehabilitation, including excellent people support, respect, and trust. It may be family members, friends, teachers, leaders of the religion, neighbors, or peers. Importantly, you will have someone to speak to you comfortably about what you experience and support.

Emotional Support

Emotional support is the sympathetic, understanding attitude that assists people in accepting and dealing with their problems or sickness. It allows people to express their worries and fears, get consolation from a kind, empathetic, and caring individual, and improve their capacity to care for themselves. Emotional support may come from family, friends, or health care professionals. Still, the American Institute of Stress reports that it is most helpful to share our emotions or burdens with others experiencing or having encountered similar difficulties. One method to get emotional support is to join a support group community.

Research has demonstrated that a system of social support may benefit your general mental health, particularly for women, older adults, patients, employees, and students. With the world battling a virus that has taken out millions of people, almost 80% of adults admit that the crisis is a source of their stress. In addition, 67% of adults state that their stress increased because of the pandemic.

A few individuals you trust can assist you in handling daily difficulties, making tough choices, or even in a moment of crisis. It may also fight social loneliness and isolation that can put you at greater risk for physical and mental health, including high blood pressure, impaired immune systems, anxiety, despair, and more. It’s okay if you don’t have this right now. Use the American Psychological Association’s advice to help you establish and improve your support network:

  • Make contact with relatives and friends. A simple greeting or offer to assist with a task may start a discussion.
  • Make use of technology. Email, text messaging, and video calls allow you to communicate with thousands of miles away individuals. You can also join online communities and use a community app that fosters care and support for its members.
  • Make friends with individuals who share your interests. Join a club, volunteer at a local organization, or enroll in a class to meet others who share your interests.
  • Seek out peer support groups. If you are going through a personal struggle, consider attending a peer support group to help you take care of your mental health and connect with others who are going through something similar.
  • Solicit assistance. Contact your local library, the institution of the church, or community center to discover more about local activities or organizations you may like to join.

The Importance of Emotional Support

Although some people think that emotional support is a sign of weakness, research has proven that it is not. Shame and humiliation often hinder people from seeking emotional assistance. There should be no shame in seeking assistance. Speaking to people who have gone through similar life situations has helped individuals conquer their difficulties and keep a more healthy and optimistic perspective.

Although emotional assistance is not required, we were created with a mind, body, and spirit. I’ve discovered that all parts of a person must be cared for and nourished. Without emotional support, we would be losing out on a critical component of coping with life’s difficulties.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress is a natural and inevitable aspect of life, but too much stress may harm your mental and physical well-being. According to the American Psychological Association’s 2015 Stress in America survey1, average stress levels are somewhat higher than in 2014. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing “a great lot of stress” and one meaning “little or no stress,” American people assessed their stress level as 5.1 today, up from 4.9 in 2014.

Emotional support is a critical protective element in coping with life’s challenges. According to the 2015 study, the average stress level for those who received emotional support was 5.0 out of 10. That is compared to 6.3 for those who did not get such assistance.

Clinical studies have generally refuted criticism of the necessity for emotional support, demonstrating that it may enhance lifespan, improve psychological function, and boost immune system performance. Even owning a pet may help with emotional support.

Getting emotional support from family, friends, clergy, people who have had similar difficulties, and caring health professionals can help people overcome their obstacles. Having emotional support allows people to cope with their present life difficulties and helps them deal with future ones.

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