woman picking a wedding dress

Non-beauty Routines to Prioritize for Your Wedding Preps

Non-beauty Routines to Prioritize for Your Wedding Preps

Everyone wants to look stunning on their wedding day. It is the day of your union with the love of your life, so why wouldn’t you, right?

In preparing for it, the usual tips and tricks are often focused on the beauty aspect of things. You need to visit your dermatologist, have the right skincare routine, and use the right products. These are helpful to make sure you glow on your wedding day, but skin care is not all there is to make sure you look and feel your best!

You need a holistic approach to self-care to ensure that your mind and body are at their A game in time for your wedding day.

Don’t Obsess over Wedding Planning

Wedding plans can get stressful. It is normal to want to make sure everything is going according to schedule, but not everything is for you to control.

1. Do things with the people you love

A great way to ward off the stress of wedding planning is to take on its challenges with the people you love. Have trusted friends and family join you on the hunt for wedding venues, wedding dresses and suits, catering, and more. These are time-consuming tasks, but they can all be fun and exciting when done with those whose opinions matter.

Don’t just stop at the wedding planning, either. Spend quality time with your friends outside of your responsibilities. Have a heart-to-heart talk, schedule a movie night, or meet up for coffee—up to you.

Staying connected with the people that matter to you helps you maintain good relationships and not get too immersed in the wedding hullabaloo.

2. De-stress and relax

While time with the ones you love is essential in being in your best condition, you also need to have time for yourself. Leave room to rest and recuperate from the many stressors of life.

You can go big and schedule a spa day, or you could simply spend time at home watching your favorite movie or reading the book you’ve been putting off finishing.

Having special me-time lets you log off from everything and focus on yourself and your needs. You may even be surprised at how much you have overlooked about yourself amidst the busyness!

Make Space for Physical and Mental Health

Health is not just about the body. To truly stay healthy and glowing in time for the wedding, you need to listen to the needs of both your mind and body.

1. Exercise for fitness, not for a perfect wedding day body.

Of course, you want to stay in shape to make sure you fit into your wedding dress or suit. There is nothing wrong with that. But fixating on having the “perfect” body for the big day can foster an unhealthy body image.

Keep up the regular exercise, but recalibrate your mindset. Exercise should be for your well-being, and not just for appearance.

Remind yourself that pursuing fitness allows you to be more productive because it puts you in a good mood, increases your stamina, and lets you improve focus. Pay more attention to what exercise lets you accomplish, rather than what kind of beauty standard it lets you fit in.

2. Eat for nutrition

woman smiling with healthy food in front of her

In preparing for the wedding, diets usually go hand in hand with exercise. Unfortunately, things can sometimes get so busy before the big day that many overlook their health plans. This can lead you to go on panic diets as the date nears, which can harm your health.

You want to be fully present during your wedding day, so that means you need to be healthy enough for it. Speak with a nutritionist and your personal trainer to determine how to achieve your fitness goals in time for the wedding.

When you are too busy to cook your meals daily, you can try a meal delivery service to take the trouble off of your hands. You can also premake your meals every weekend so that you will just be reheating things throughout the workweek.

3. Keep mental health in check

The burden of work responsibilities, wedding preps, personal concerns, and more can very quickly stress you out to the point of a mental breakdown when left unchecked. Bad days are normal to have, but don’t brush them off when they extend past more than just days.

It’s okay to ask for help! Reach out to trusted people and maybe even a therapist. Let yourself receive emotional support and find a healthy means of coping with every day’s demands.

Remember: you’re still only human, which means you need a break—even from all the wedding stress.

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