person brushing teeth

Keeping Teeth and Gums Healthy – Best Practices for Oral Health

Keeping Teeth and Gums Healthy – Best Practices for Oral Health

Having ‘good’ oral hygiene is crucial in keeping teeth and gums healthy, involving habits such as brushing twice daily and having regular checkups with your dentist. However, remember that oral health is more than just cavities and gum disease. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to tooth decay and gum problems, resulting in debilitating pain and tooth loss — affecting a person’s overall life.

Luckily, all these issues are preventable with proper dental care at home and in the dentist’s office. Here are some of the best practices you can do to ensure optimal oral health — keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

Set Appointments With Your Dentist at Least Twice a Year

Even if you practice the best oral hygiene habits, it’s best to see your dentist regularly. At a minimum, you should see your dentist for cleaning and checkups twice a year. Visiting your dentist can help them remove calculus and look for any cavity you may have, and see potential issues before it gets worse. If you don’t have the time, you can also set up a digital appointment with your preferred orthodontist.

Brush Regularly

Brushing is only effective when you do it the right way. The best way to brush your teeth is by following circular motions and taking care to brush the front, back, and top of each tooth — and avoid sawing back and forth movements. The whole process should at least take between 2 to 3 minutes. Additionally, avoid brushing too hard as it can damage your gums and enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity or permanent damage to your tooth enamel.

Go for Fluoride Toothpaste

When choosing what toothpaste to use, you need to consider several elements other than its ‘whitening’ capabilities and power. However, no matter which version you pick, ensure it has a considerable amount of fluoride. While the substance has come under scrutiny by people worried about its effects, it remains a mainstay in optimal oral health. That’s because fluoride serves as a leading defense against tooth decay, fighting off germs that lead to decay.

Floss Regularly

Although most people only floss when getting rid of stuck food, it can improve your overall oral health. It’s a great way to stimulate your gums, get rid of plaque, and lower inflammation, keeping your teeth and gums perfectly healthy. Make sure to floss at least once a day for the best results.

Consider Using Mouthwash

Regularly using mouthwash can help you in three ways. These include reducing the amount of acid in your mouth, cleaning the ‘unreachable’ areas of your mouth, and remineralizing your teeth. It brings everything into balance.

dentist appointment

Stay Hydrated — With Water

Water is the best drink for one’s overall health, including your teeth. So, make sure to stay hydrated with water. Additionally, it’s best to drink water after every meal as it can lessen some of the adverse effects of sticky, sugary, and acidic foods and drinks in between brushes.

Regularly Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Although ready-to-eat foods may be convenient, it can leave some hefty damage to your teeth. If you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy, make sure to eat plenty of crunch fruits and vegetables to remove build-up plaque while keeping your teeth healthy.

Limit Intake of Sugary and Acidic Foods

Sugar will ultimately turn into acid in your mouth, eroding your tooth enamel, leading to cavities. Although healthy foods and drinks like fruits and tea can be great for your health, some are very acidic and can wear down your enamel. So, it’s best if you limit your consumption of acidic or sugary foods and drinks.

Most individuals are aware that brushing their teeth at least twice a day is one of the most crucial practices of keeping oral health optimal. But remember that besides brushing your teeth — any of the methods mentioned can help your teeth and gums stay healthy long-term.

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