woman embracing herself

Listening to Your Body and Making Sound Self-Care Decisions

Listening to Your Body and Making Sound Self-Care Decisions

Everyone understands the value and importance of self-love and self-care, but we hardly see people actively practicing this concept and putting their words into action. As a result, many people still succumb to feeling hollow, experiencing severe cases of burnout, and worse, depressive episodes that make them hit rock bottom.

Plus, being in the middle of a pandemic is not helping anyone’s situation at all; with all the scary headlines and media you come across daily, these events start to take a toll on our well-being. So, now more than ever, should we start listening to our bodies and making sound self-care decisions to help prevent any adverse effects.

Do What Makes You Feel Better

Before moving forward, understand that self-care primarily revolves around understanding the self, which means any idea ahead are but suggestions that you can freely tailor and adapt to suit your specific needs. Of course, it is more beneficial to try the different methods, but if these make you feel unnecessarily uncomfortable, that defeats the purpose. Don’t stress yourself over things that don’t interest you; pick and choose what works best for your situation.

Attending to Your Mental and Emotional Needs

We’ve all been guilty of bottling up strong emotions and intentionally neglecting certain topics that turn into emotional baggage. This practice then causes a strain on our mental well-being because negative thoughts cloud our judgment. Over time, our body becomes numb and insensitive to these stressors, so your first goal is meeting your mental and emotional needs.

  • Make a Feel-Good File: No one can deny how effective a warm and fuzzy feeling can be at turning a bad day into a hopeful one, but we often rely on others to do this for us. Instead of waiting for someone else to compliment us, create a feel-good file, and fill it with empowering lessons and experiences that can uplift your mood.
  • Authentic Affirmations: Talking in front of a mirror isn’t only effective at improving your speaking skills but also at calming you down and reflecting. Take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and repeat authentic affirmations like “I am enough, I am allowed to make mistakes, and I will do better next time.”
  • Observe Your Surroundings: Our surroundings often reflect our emotional and mental well-being. For some people, their place of work becomes too disorderly, or others might excessively clean their surroundings to taste. Learn to take note of these cues so you gain a better grasp of yourself.

woman doing yoga

Understanding the Physical Body

Physical health is also an essential element of self-care. Because it’s also the first line of feedback on anything that happens to us, it’s the most accessible aspect of our health that can receive direct attention. So, instead of letting stress affect our physical well-being, we should strive to care for and understand the vessel that houses our soul.

  • Brisk Walking: You don’t have to be in security guard services or a top-performing athlete to know the positive impact of regular physical activity, which is why you need to introduce simple exercises in your self-care regimen. Brisk walking is a great way to get out, take your mind off stress, and give a change of environment.
  • Food And Nutrition: Proper eating habits often go out the window when we’re feeling over-encumbered by the weight of stress, but nutrition can also play an active role in your self-care regimen. Try cooking healthier meals like vegetable soups and herb rolls to help combat fatigue and keep you in a good mood.

Getting in Touch with the Social Self

Finally, we can’t complete a proper self-care regimen without touching base with our social needs. Although we like to think toughening it out trains our resiliency, we should also learn to accept that there’s nothing wrong with keeping a good group of people around you.

  • Connecting with Friends: True friends are there for you through thick and thin and will accompany you through all the highs and lows of your life. As such, it’s only natural for you to connect and rely on them as support groups when you’re going through episodes of depression or anxiety because they’ll be there to comfort you.
  • Reaching Out to Groups: No man is an island, and many people like us are looking to practice self-care and needing others to be their self-care partner. Don’t hesitate to reach out to groups and surround yourself with like-minded people who can also give you positive affirmations.

Always Practice Self-Care

Remember, self-care isn’t a trend that goes up and down as the public eye demands. It’s a necessary practice we should all incorporate into our lives because it is imperative for our well-being.

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