boarding a bus

Make Your Travel Hassle-free and Relaxing

Make Your Travel Hassle-free and Relaxing

Whether you travel for vacation or work, it can be frustrating when things don’t go as planned. Simple things like sudden rain while you’re carrying a heavy suitcase or forgetting to carry your coat can make your day go terribly wrong.

As the holiday season approaches, many people are starting to plan to visit their hometowns. And while holidays are supposed to be relaxing, the travel part can be pretty stressful. There are plenty of things to prepare- you need to pack all necessary stuff, make sure your documents are complete, and above it all, catch a flight.

Staying calm and organized during busy days can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Listed below are the things to follow for a hassle-free and relaxing journey.

Get a Morning Flight

Let’s be blunt. There’s a high likelihood of flights getting delayed, or worse, canceled, especially during winter. In most cases, afternoon and evening flights are usually more delayed than morning flights because the plane would have accomplished at least one journey for the day. So, if your flight is early in the morning, there’s a lower chance for it to get delayed, which is a pretty good start to having a hassle-free trip.

Mark Your Luggage

One of the most stressful things about flying during busy seasons is waiting for your bag at the conveyer belt (the one that carries bags and suitcases through pneumatic actuators). First of all, if the carousel is too full, it would be hard to spot your luggage right away. And if you do, it would probably be too late to get to it.

To avoid this stressful situation, mark your luggage, or better yet, get a suitcase with a striking color. Put a colorful ribbon to it, a big sticker, or a cloth cover that’s easy to see and wait for them in one place. By doing this, you no longer have to check the bags one by one to find yours.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Whether the airport is a 10-minute ride or a 3-hour train ride away from your home, make sure to leave early. Give yourself more than enough time to get there and always anticipate unforeseen events. Even though it’s a short journey, it would be best to allow a few hours for train delays or traffic.

Keep Essentials in Your Handbag

Some things should always be inside your handbag. A phone charger, a hanky, headphones are some of the many things that could come in handy during a flight. However, it would also be wiser to bring something to kill boredom, such as a magazine or a book. If possible, bring an empty water bottle, you can fill it with water after the airport security inspection, so you don’t have to pay for expensive airport water bottles.

Take your Time in Boarding

two chairs

Many plane passengers tend to rush to board the plane, and that’s pretty understandable given that they are excited to be with their loved ones as soon as possible. But as long as you get to the airport early, you don’t have to rush yourself.

Avoid running in the airport. Remember, you have a reserved seat on the plane, so it doesn’t matter if you’re the last to board; that seat will always be yours.

Wear Comfortable Outfit

Of course, you want to look good for your Instagram stories, but comfort comes first when traveling. Be sure to wear something that will allow you to move freely, especially if you carry more than three bags.

While most airlines don’t have dress codes, it would still be wiser to wear something that would cover you. After all, flights can get chilly. Always carry a coat or a jacket in case the weather in your destination isn’t so welcoming.

Watch What you Eat and Drink.

We couldn’t emphasize enough the importance of comfort in traveling. While it’s essential to wear comfortable clothes, there are foods that you should avoid before catching a flight. For instance, fatty foods can usually cause indigestion, and high-fiber goods result in feeling bloated.

To avoid this, opt for light meals only. Eat a salad or wrap in the meantime. Also, make sure to eat foods rich in vitamin C to help you stay healthy and fresh throughout your trip. Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic beverages as they might cause a headache.

Follow these tips to ensure a hassle-free and relaxing trip to your destination. Always be prepared for the worse to avoid any unpleasant circumstances along the way. Remember, traveling can be stressful, but it can be exceptionally remarkable with adequate preparation.


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