septic tank

Proper Septic Tank Maintenance For Beginners

Proper Septic Tank Maintenance For Beginners

More than a trillion gallons of liquid flow through every septic system each year. Provided the volume that passes through it each day, both the environment and public health relies on every tank to function correctly. Once it malfunctions, the waste can pollute anything it touches with harmful bacteria. This type of contamination can cause various diseases to spread, including typhoid and hepatitis A.

People use sewage pumps to transfer sewage solids and liquids from one area to another. Although every city has its sewers to provide service to all homes, there are still a couple of properties in remote areas and small towns that rely on septic tanks.

A typical modern real estate property has its separate sewage line at ground level. Because of it, homeowners often find it challenging to eject their sewage from their laundries and basement bathrooms.

How a septic tank works

A regular septic tank automatically separates the liquids and treats the wastes. Once the waste goes through the tube and into the container, the dense solid will soon settle to the very bottom. Thus, forming a thick film of muck. Oils and other lighter solids then float to the very top, which creates a layer of impurities. Meanwhile, the coating in between contains between these two has liquid effluent, which passes through the outlet pipe directly towards the drain field system.

The tank contains both facultative and anaerobic microorganisms that help break down the top and bottom films of scum. Thus, helping it reduce their volume. In turn, it results in gas formation like carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, which passes through the vent stack connected to the roof.

You should determine the size of the septic tank based on the number of bedrooms that you have in the house. You should also ensure that it’s tight enough so there won’t be any leaks coming out. Any leaks could cause biological contamination in the area, which can be dangerous if left unsupervised.

Managing the septic tank pumping


If you want to manage your tank correctly, it’s best to invest in apipe maintenance submersible sewage pump to help the good bacteria to flourish. Without it, the filth can soon build up and clog the entire system. Soon after, you’ll have to deal with leaks and a stinky yard.

Since not all the scum gets broken down by the bacteria, you need to ensure that you pump the septic tank regularly. The recurrence depends on the tank size. You must also consider the number of people in the house, too. Experts would often advise homeowners to get pumped once every three years.

Waiting to do it for too long can cause the drain field to get ruined, which would require you to get a new septic system to fix. Ensuring that you pump it regularly can help you make it last for more than 20 years.

These are only a few of the things that you need to know about septic tanks. Ensure that you properly maintain it so you wouldn’t have any problems in the future.

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