skin care routine

Skincare Ingredients to Look for Based on Your Skin Type

Skincare Ingredients to Look for Based on Your Skin Type

There are four main skin types: normal, dry, oily, and combination. Knowing the key differences between these four skin types will allow you to create a skincare routine that will actually work to address your problem areas. That’s why this should be the first step that anyone doing skin care must take.

Without knowing your skin type, you might end up using skincare products that are not only incompatible with your skin but can also damage it further. In such cases, you may cause more problems than you had to begin with. So instead of leaving it up to guesswork, it’s better if you find out your skin type now.

This way, you’ll have a much higher chance of building an effective skincare routine that works. By identifying your skin type and problem areas, you’ll be able to pinpoint what skincare ingredients you should be looking for in your products. Here’s how ingredients differ based on the four skin types:


Most skincare routines often address a specific problem area or skin type, but you won’t have to subscribe to just one line of products if you have normal skin. This means that you may still experience a bit of dryness, oiliness, or clogged pores from time to time, but not enough to be considered to fit in that category.

For this, you might want to stay away from ingredients that are too intense for your skin, especially since you’re not managing acne or getting rid of excess sebum. You should also avoid skincare products that contain parabens, fragrances, sulfates, or formaldehyde because these ingredients can irritate your skin.


If you have dry skin, you might notice how it can feel tight every time you wash it with a cleanser or after you get out of the shower. This may be because your skin lacks the ability to hold moisture, so you experience dry patches. But this only means that you’ll need to find the right hydrating products to restore the moisture in your skin.

For that, you’ll need to find products labeled “non-comedogenic,” which just means that the ingredients won’t clog your pores and block out moisture. You can also benefit from cleansers that contain glycerin because this ingredient is considered a humectant, which attracts moisture to your skin.

You can find moisturizing skincare products from various brands such as Harmony and Wellness that will help keep your skin hydrated and supple. Other ingredients that are good for dry skin include ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and natural oils like jojoba, argan, vitamin E, or even hemp seed. Just make sure to stay away from comedogenic oils because these can block your pores.

skin problems


If you have oily skin, you’re at a higher risk for being acne-prone because the amount of excess sebum that your skin produces tends to hold dirt and bacteria. This makes it more difficult to create a skincare routine that will work for you, especially if you’re not careful about the ingredients that you’re using.

Because your skin produces much more sebum than the normal skin type, you’ll also benefit from non-comedogenic products. This way, you won’t clog up your pores even more. You can also use glycolic acid and niacinamide or vitamin B3 because these ingredients can help you reduce the excess sebum.

When treating acne breakouts, you can use skincare products that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide because these ingredients can help fight against acne-causing bacteria. Plus, they can help exfoliate your skin and prevent acne, blackheads, or whiteheads from developing further.


If you have combination skin, it means that you experience oiliness in your T-zone area, while the rest of your face has dry skin. But just because you have combination skin doesn’t mean you have to use a different set of skincare products for the oily and dry parts.

For this, you can just use ingredients that are also good for oily skin. However, because only a part of your skin produces excess sebum while the rest has dry skin, you might want to use spot treatments or topical ointments that contain these ingredients instead of your cleanser, toner, or moisturizer.

Other ingredients that can help you address breakouts are tea tree oil, witch hazel extract, and even sulfur. But you must remember that since these ingredients come in highly concentrated amounts, you can’t use them as often as other skincare products because they might lead to adverse effects.

Skin care isn’t an exact science, particularly because every skin is different. The products that work on some people might not work for you or vice versa, which is why you should never jump on the bandwagon. Although finding the right skincare products is still a trial-and-error process, knowing what ingredients can benefit your skin is still better than simply throwing darts and hoping they work.

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