Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat

Techniques of Obesity Management in Primary Adult Care

Techniques of Obesity Management in Primary Adult Care

Obesity is currently one of the leading risk factors for a range of health conditions. With this realization, most people are all the more keen on maintaining a healthy weight. It is nonetheless not so easy. Obesity is a complex health condition that involves an excess body fat amount. It often arises from a combination of genetics, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, medications and environmental elements. These factors make it challenging to manage obesity without an expert’s input.

While several providers have come up touting as the best for obesity management, primary adult care centers in Lehi have been proven to have the safest and most effective approaches. The doctor, in this case, will base their obesity diagnosis on a general physical examination, BMI calculation, and waist circumference measurement. Other than these, they will perform blood tests including liver and thyroid function tests, cholesterol level tests and blood sugar tests, among others. These tests are meant to pick the issues contributing to obesity and allow the doctor to tailor your treatment approach. Here are the typical management alternatives for obesity in primary healthcare.

Prescription Medication

Weight-loss medications are, at times called anti-obesity drugs. The drugs are primarily meant to help you adhere to low-calorie diets. They do this by averting the lack of fullness and hunger typical in those who are trying to lose weight. Prescription weight-loss drugs are used if exercise and lifestyle modification have not worked for you.

They are also the go-to choice for those with BMIs above 30, and those whose BMI is 27–29.9 but have medical complications related to hypertension, diabetes, diabetes and sleep apnea. The standard anti-obesity prescription medications nowadays are orlistat, liraglutide, and lorcaserin. Close professional monitoring is essential when on these medications to prevent dangerous side effects.

Endoscopic Weight Loss Procedures

These require no skin incisions. Flexible tools and tubes will be inserted through your mouth to the stomach while you are under anesthesia. Several endoscopic weight loss procedures exist. In one, stitches will be placed in your stomach for the reduction of its size and consequently, the food amount you consume. In another, the doctor will insert a water-filled balloon in your stomach to reduce its space and make you feel full faster.

Bariatric Surgery


This limits your food consumption amount or decreases the calorie absorption from the food you eat. It is considered in those with BMIs of 40 and above or 35-39 with health issues like hypertension or diabetes. Bariatric surgery has helped people lose over 35% of their excess body weight.

Vagal Nerve Blockade

This approach involves the implantation of a device under your abdominal skin. This device will send intermittent electrical pulses to your abdominal vagus nerve. The nerve transmissions tell your brain if your stomach is empty or full. Vagal nerve blockade is used in patients with BMIs of 35–45 and one or more weight-loss related conditions.

The above alternatives are in no way magic cures to obesity. They should still be used with lifestyle modifications like the consumption of healthy and low-calorie foods as well as exercise. These approaches will also keep you from gaining weight after your treatment.

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